Long Hanborough North

Long Hanborough North

View the details for our new proposal for the homes off Witney Road in Long Hanborough.

An exciting new proposal for Long Hanborough North

It is our vision that we create a sustainable and distinguishable, landscape-led development, providing high quality and energy efficient homes, that are sensitively integrated into the existing community.

It is important to us that the neighbourhood has a locally distinctive character that blends seamlessly into both the existing homes in the area, and the open countryside. We want to provide homes that people will want to live in, as well as creating spaces for informal recreation, with safe and liveable streets.

It is our intention to commence works on site from the beginning of 2024, subject to achieving the necessary consents. 

Please refer to this webpage for further updates.


Updates for Long Hanborough North

Pye Homes has now submitted a Reserved Matters Application (RMA) and application to discharge planning conditions relating to its development at Long Hanborough North following the grant of outline planning permission in February 2023.

The RMA details the layout, scale, appearance and landscaping for the construction of the 150 new homes, internal roads, with associated infrastructure and open space.

The application details can be viewed via the Council's website here.

Enhanced biodiversity
Enhanced biodiversity
Allotments, woodland, and play areas
Allotments, woodland, and play areas
An aspiration for net zero carbon
An aspiration for net zero carbon

Our Objectives For
Long Hanborough North

The homes will be highly energy efficient homes, fitted with the latest renewable technology, provide generous areas of open space and improve pedestrian and cycle connections.

“Our commitment is to sustainability and to deliver quality housing solutions which local communities can be proud of now, and for future generations. ”

- Graham Flint, Pye Homes MD

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