Creating a New Community at Marcham.
We have begun work on a community of 47 high-quality homes at our new Temple Gate development in Marcham.
The new site will feature a mix of two, three and four-bedroom houses built in line with our ‘how we build principles’, based on the belief landowners have a social, economic and moral responsibility to deliver quality housing solutions of which its local community can be proud.
These principles include building homes that last, and are available for all, ensuring each development incorporates space for wellbeing and looks after the local environment.
As part of our commitment to create new habitats and enhance the site’s existing biodiversity, we are planting a range of native tree species and hedgerows, creating areas of wildflowers and installing bat and bird boxes, insect houses and underground chambers for reptiles and amphibians.
The development comprises a mixture of detached, semi-detached and terrace dwellings designed in response to the surrounding land uses and landscape and incorporating traditional detailing and high-quality materials including red and buff brick and slate grey tiles.
“We’re delighted to be able to begin construction on this new community of houses at Temple Gate,” said our MD Graham Flint.
“As with all our developments, we are working with a wide range of local businesses and continuing our ongoing 50-year partnership with Oxford-based Minoli Tiles.
“This not only means the homes we build reflect the surrounding communities, it also allows us to ensure the development boosts the local economy and helps to support existing jobs, as well as create new ones.
“To help address the ongoing lack of affordable properties in Oxfordshire, the site will include a number of shared ownership properties and will also feature Help to Buy options for first-time homeowners,” he added.
The name Temple Gate was inspired by the discovery of a 1,600-year-old Romano-British temple at nearby Trendles Field. It is anticipated the first homes will go on sale early next year.
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